Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Final Reflection

What a year. AP lit has definitely been interesting. At the end of the year, I have no regrets about being in the class because I have improved my writing skills among other things. My favorite thing about AP lit was the reading of "Notes from Underground." I love that book. The Underground man is twisted and his ideas are thought provoking. I still don't understand who the Underground Man is, but I like what I understand. I think we are kindred spirits (in some aspects).
I also liked that we got to watch the movie versions of some books. This way, I was able to compare the book to the movie and to see the director's vision and how it correlated with mine.
I did not like the fact that we didn't get to have the one-on-one writing workshops with you like you said we would at the beginning of the year. However, I understand that this was because you had such a large group this year. I hope you find the time to do that with your next batch of AP lit students.
If I could, I would reduce the number of students we had because I prefer smaller classes. All the people were great, but if there were less students we would have been given more individual attention. It would also lower the noise level of our class.
I would have liked to read Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. He is an interesting, disturbed man.
The greatest concept I learned this year was the ultimate thesis. Before AP literature, I had no idea what a good thesis should be, but thanks to Mr. Ultimate Thesis, I have more thesis-writing knowledge.
This was a great year filled with good memories (and parties). I will miss you, Miss Ahearn. You are a great teacher.