Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My favorite blog assignment during the 1st quarter

Assignment: Write a very brief reflection on the process of writing your first AP paper on Bishop's "Sestina." Especially note what your writing strengths and weaknesses are.

Holda said...

It was very difficult for me to begin my essay. I had details, but I didn't know where to start because I kept doubting myself. I didn't want to sound like I was trying too hard. I wrote from the middle to the beginning to the end. Overall, I think it turned out ok for my first poetry analyis essay, but I can definitely do better.

This was my favorite blog post because I got to reflect on the process of writing my fist official AP lit paper, and I had a chance to read other students' reflections. I saw that we all go through very different processes when we write. Finally, I was very (pleasantly) surprised by the grade I received on my "Sestina" paper.

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